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At St. Patrick’s we always aim to promote positive behaviour choices.  Our simple, but effective behaviour management approach is based on three key messages: Be ready, be respectful and be safe.    

These consistent messages are shared by staff throughout the school so that pupils clearly understand their behavioural expectations. Staff regularly revisit the meaning behind these words and proactively promote and encourage pupils to make good choices both inside and outside of school.    

We strongly value good behaviour; however, we are aware that sometimes challenging behaviour can stem from unmet emotional or academic needs and that is why we always strive to value connection over correction.   We recognise that, in order to create a safe environment for all our pupils where they can maximise their learning, we must maintain the highest possible standards of pupil behaviour.    

We have developed a ‘curriculum for behaviour’ which we call ‘The St. Patrick’s Way’.  This sets out the rules and routines that we explicitly teach pupils.  We believe this helps to build pupils’ character by supporting them to develop the habits and attitudes that will enable them to succeed in later life. 

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Updated | 19th February, 2024 |

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