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School Meals

Menu and catering information about our school.

Our school meals are provided by The Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust (BWCET) ‘Garden Kitchen’ Team. All meals are prepared freshly every day, using high quality ingredients. 

Our Primary School menus are carefully developed to appeal to children and provide the perfect balance of essential nutrients, and to offer them the chance to try a few dishes they may not have tried before. Your child can choose from two main meal options provided every day, each one accompanied by a vegetable choice, and including a daily vegetarian dish. Jacket potatoes with an assortment of popular and tasty fillings are always available, too, served with an attractive side salad. 

Pupils are able to choose what they would like on the day from a varied menu. All allergies are catered for (please ensure you have informed school of any allergies your child may have). 

St. Patrick’s is a cashless school.  Payments can be made via the Arbor App.  School meals are currently £14.25 per week or £2.85 per day.   

Please click below for a link to the interactive menu provision. 

Free School Meals

Every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes is now entitled to a free school meal under the government’s universal infant free school meal scheme. This is not means-tested.  

Your children may also qualify for means-tested free school meals if you meet the following criteria:  

  • You or your partner receive child benefit (for the child you are applying for), and  
  • The child is in full time education, under 19 years of age, and  
  • The child attends a local authority school or sixth form.  

You and your partner must be in receipt of one of the following benefits:  

  • Income Support  
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance (JSA – IB)  
  • Guarantee Pension Credit  
  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA Income Related)  
  • Child Tax Credit – but not Working Tax Credit – and your income for Tax Credit purposes must be less than £16,190.00 (details are shown on your Tax Credit award notice)  
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999  
  • Universal Credit 

If you qualify for Free School Meals, it is important that you apply – even if your children are in Year 1 or Year 2. For every valid application, we can claim extra funding for resources such as extra tuition, teaching assistants or after-school clubs.

Children who receive a free school meal are not singled out in any way 

If you meet the above criteria please fill in the means tested free school meals form and return it to the address shown on the form.  

Packed Lunch

If your child brings in a packed lunch, we ask parents to provide a healthy packed lunch containing: 

  • Sandwich  
  • Fruit  
  • A biscuit  
  • Drink 

Please do not send fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate (including chocolate covered biscuits and cakes). 


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Updated | 24th September, 2024 |

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