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School Uniform

School uniform requirements for our school.

The Department for Education (DfE) strongly encourages schools to have a school uniform. This policy sets out the school’s policy and approach on uniform and confirms the school’s commitment to providing value for money to parents and ensuring that no pupil is discriminated against due to their gender, disability, religion or belief, economic circumstances or social and cultural background. 

The school uniform helps ensure that pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome. It helps to protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way; and nurtures cohesion, promoting good relations between different groups of pupils. Above all, the school uniform supports effective teaching and learning. 

This policy follows the DfE statutory guidance ‘Cost of school uniforms’, published 19 November 2021. 

The wearing of school uniform is compulsory. We have made this decision on the basis that:

  • It promotes a sense of pride in the school in line with our ethos. 
  • It gives a sense of identity and belonging towards the school community. 
  • Supports positive behaviour and discipline. 
  • Is practical, affordable and smart. 
  • Makes students feel equal and encourages cohesion. 
  • Has been designed with health and safety in mind. 

Sweatshirts and polo shirts bearing the school logo can be purchased in two ways: 

  • Via Moette custom clothing – log on to and select ‘Schools’ and ‘Primary Schools’ from the menu. Select the St. Patrick’s Primary School logo to order and pay for your selected items. 

Uniform table key

  • O / R – Optional or required uniform item. 
  • B / G – Branded item required or generic (e.g. supermarket) alternative will be accepted. 
  • Season Specific – (N) Can be worn in all seasons 

General Uniform:

ItemO/RB/GSeason Specific
Navy blue sweatshirt (with school logo – optional) Either 
Navy blue cardigan (with school logo – optional) Either 
Light Blue shirt or polo shirt (with school logo – optional) Either 
Grey trousers, navy skirt, pinafore  Generic 
Grey shorts Generic Summer 
Blue and white check dress Generic Summer 
Plain white or navy socks Generic 
Plain navy tights R  Generic 
Black shoes Generic 

Please note:   

  • Trousers must be full length and not ¾.  Skirts and pinafore must not be shorter than knee length. 
  • Shoes must be plain, sensible, NOT trainers and strictly NO heels or sandals. 

PE Uniform:

ItemO/RB/GSeason Specific
Plain white T-shirt (with school logo – optional) Either 
Plain black shorts Generic 
Blue Hoody (with school logo and initials – optional) Either 
Plain black jogging bottoms Generic 
Black plimsolls / outside trainers N/A 

Please note:   

  • Leggings are NOT an appropriate substitution for jogging bottoms. 
  • Football shirts or stripy tops are not permitted for P.E. lessons or after school clubs. 

Swimming Uniform

ItemO/RB/GSeason Specific
Single piece swimming costume. No bikinis Generic 
Lycra trunks or shorts Generic 
Swimming cap Generic 

Every article must be clearly marked with the owner’s name.

The school also takes donations of ‘pre-worn but loved’ uniform and we would be happy to provide parents with uniform upon request. 


It is again strongly recommended that all pupils wear ‘sensible’ black shoes for school. Trainers may be worn during breaktimes. Plimsolls or indoor trainers should be worn for P.E. in the Hall. Outdoor trainers should be worn for P.E. lessons. In poor wintery conditions children may wish to bring a change of shoes. Outdoor shoes can then be worn walking to and from school and playing on the field at breaktimes, indoor shoes will then be worn in the classrooms. Outdoor shoes/trainers must be kept in a separate labelled carrier bag. 


We expect children to avoid extremes of fashion in uniform and appearance, particularly with regard to hairstyle. For example, coloured hair and extremely short cut or shaven heads (including lines shaved in) are not acceptable (guidance: hair cut with clippers on a setting lower than a 2 is too short). 

  • Girls should tie long hair neatly back with unfussy bands / bobbles / slides to avoid it being pulled or caught especially during PE.  
  • Boys should have neat short hair without tramlines (again to avoid competition between children over latest trends). Extreme haircuts / colours are not permitted. 


The wearing of any kind of jewellery in school is prohibited. The school cannot be held responsible for any lost items. Children who wish their ears to be pierced should wait until the beginning of the summer holidays, after which the earrings can safely be removed while in school. It is not permissible to cover earrings with a sticking plaster. Children may wear a watch, but this must be removed during P.E. lessons, however, SMART watches are prohibited


Children are not to wear make-up including lip gloss, nail varnish or transfer tattoos for school. If such items have been forgotten to be removed, make-up wipes and nail varnish pads for sensitive skin will be available from the school office. Your child will be asked to remove their make-up, nail varnish or tattoos. Fake tan, gel nails, acrylic nails and nail extensions are not permitted. 

Vaseline and Chapstick, however, is permitted especially in the cold weather. 

In choosing a school that promotes school uniform, the governors assume that parents will support all staff when they enforce this policy. 

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Updated | 7th June, 2024 |

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